‘Regal Studio Presents’ reveals new episodes for the summer of 2023 March 11, 2023 HoldaptoIloveyou KateValdez regalstudiopresents Romy&Julie roycecabrera TheaTolentino yassermarta +
‘Raya Sirena’ and ‘Regal Studio Presents’ move to new time slots May 17, 2022 AllenAnsay KenChan RayaSirena regalstudiopresents SandroMuhlach sanyalopez ShanelleAgustin ShirleyFuentes sofiapablo ThatThinLine +
Christian Bables stars in romcom episode of 'Regal Studio Presents: My Boyfriend's Romance' January 21, 2022 christianbables faithdasilva myboyfriendsromance regalstudiopresents +